
Lake Huron-North Shore Elk Advisory Committee

Hello Members,

The SJI Hunters and Anglers Association has been closely involved with the Lake Huron-North Shore Elk Advisory Committee.  The Club has committed seed donations for food plots, and it has offered its volunteer help.  The Elk Advisory Committee is working to minimize the impact of elk, particularly on agricultural land, while also ensuring the viability of the herds.

By clicking on one of the links below, you have an opportunity to contribute to the data collection about where the elk are and about the kinds of impacts that they are exerting.  Please print the form, complete it, and then submit it through one of the means identified at the bottom of the form.  One link is to a Word file and the other to a PDF file.

Thank you for your interest.

Local Agricultural Landowner Survey_LHNS EAC_August 2016

Local Agricultural Landowner Survey_LHNS EAC_August 2016


2017, Twenty-Third Annual Wild Game Dinner, January 28th

Hunters and anglers, the harvest season has begun.  The Hunters and Anglers Club will gratefully accept any donations of meat for the coming Wild Game Dinner.

The 2017, Twenty-third, Annual Wild Game Dinner is being held at the Richards Landing, Royal Canadian Legion Hall.  The doors and bar will open at 5:00 p.m.  Dinner will be served at 6 p.m.  Silent auctions, live auctions and raffles will follow the dinner.


Ticket sales for the Wild Game Dinner will be Saturday, January 7, 2017, at the Conservation Centre beginning at 8:00 a.m.  There is a maximum of 8 tickets per purchaser, and tickets are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Hunters and anglers, the harvest season has begun.  The Hunters and Anglers Club will gratefully accept any donations of meat for the coming Wild Game Dinner.

The 2017, Twenty-third, Annual Wild Game Dinner is being held at the Richards Landing, Royal Canadian Legion Hall.  The doors and bar will open at 5:00 p.m.  Dinner will be served at 6 p.m.  Silent auctions, live auctions and raffles will follow the dinner.

NOTICE: Your membership is due in January

All members: your membership renewal is due in January.  The registration form is available on site.  Please print and mail or bring to a meeting with your payment.  Please note that your OFAH membership is included at a discount with your SJI Hunters and Anglers membership.  If the renewal date for your OFAH membership occurs later in the year, your renewal will recognise the difference and your OFAH membership will be extended one year from the date of its renewal.  For your and the Club’s convenience, renewal occurs for both, SJIHA and OFAH in January.

There are many benefits of membership.  Of those, insurance is a primary benefit.  Please note that if your membership expires, your insurance is not valid.

Additionally, please ensure that all your contact information is current.