Welcome to the St. Joseph Island Hunters and Anglers and Conservation Club
We are pleased to offer you membership in an active Club that is focused on promoting our Canadian hunting and angling heritage and that is committed to maintaining conservation as our priority. If you have not already done so, please click here to learn about our Club.
Membership Benefits
Your membership is renewed annually in January. You may join as a single member or as a family. The fee is annual and includes your enrollment with Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, OFAH. Although you may pay your OFAH fees separately, there are discount and convenience advantages to the combined package. Please click on the downloadable form below.
Your membership in the SJIHA offers many benefits:
- Involvement in a Club that is actively supporting outdoor activities and conservation of natural habitat
- Insurance coverage for your personal outdoor activities
- Connection with a Club that is an advocate for hunters’ and anglers’ interests; most recently the Club successfully lobbied for a Wild Turkey Spring Hunting in WMU36
- Opportunity to participate in many and varied Club activities like the annual Ernie Eddy Memorial Children’s Fish Derby and the Annual Wild Game Dinner
- A welcoming interest in your outdoor expertise and knowledge
- Access to a well equipped Club and Conservation Centre with an indoor archery range; access to the Conservation Property Nature Trails
Roles & Responsibilities
Members in good standing have the right to vote on Club plans, policies and expenditures. Members in good standing are also eligible for election to the Board of Directors. Positions on the Board renew every one or two years. The Club Annual General Meeting falls in May, and the budget year runs from January to December. All members are invited to participate in all of the Club activities and to contribute fresh ideas for programs and events.
Please note that complete and current personal contact information is a requirement of membership. Most Club notices are posted on the Website and distributed via email.
How To Join
Membership is annually renewed in January. Please download form, complete it and mail it with your cheque to
- St. Joseph Island Hunters and Anglers Association – Membership
- P.O. Box 41
- Richards Landing, ON
- P0R 1J0
Alternatively, you may take your completed membership form and payment to a meeting and submit there.
- Conservation Centre
1802 Twentieth Side Road, St. Joseph Island
Please note that renewals and fees are due every January. If your anniversary of renewal with OFAH is a date later in the year, your renewal will be processed in January and the membership to OFAH will renew on its anniversary date and be valid for a year from that date.