The St. Joseph Island Hunters and Anglers Association (SJIHA) is located on beautiful St. Joseph Island and draws its membership from the Island and region. The St. Joseph Island Hunters and Anglers, a non-profit incorporation founded in 1982, is dedicated to conservation of wildlife and their habitats and to supporting outdoor sports.
Through its many programs of education, its cooperative partnerships with other local organisations and agencies of similar interests, and through its sponsoring of many local events, the Hunters and Anglers Association has grown to be one of the largest and most active clubs of its kind in Northern Ontario. The St. Joseph Island Hunters and Anglers Association is a chapter of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, OFAH. The SJIHA welcomes new members as singles and as families. Every membership includes membership in OFAH. Membership forms, an outline of the benefits of membership and the costs for a membership are available on the Website.