Hello Members of the St. Joseph Hunters and Anglers Association. Your Club will be very active participating in many community events this summer. Not only are these activities significant fund-raisers for the Club, they contribute to our community in a big way. Your participation is needed! Helping will give you a chance to meet new club members and to have fun while you lend a hand. Our schedule for events this year follows:


  • Island Fishing Derby, June 29th to July 7th.  Supper and prizes on the 7th of July – John Paterson; Neil Caughill
  • Children’s weeklong summer camp with the Kensington Conservancy, July 8th to July 12th.  Lunch each day -Teresa Caughill
  • Go North Music Festival – Richards Landing, Saturday July 13th. Cooking burgers, sausage, meat ball subs and this year, onion rings. – Neil Caughill
  • Richards Landing Community Night cooking burgers, sausage and deer tales on Friday July 26th. Neil Caughill; John Paterson
  • Hilton Beach Car Show and Poker Run Boat Race, July 27th cooking deer tales. John Paterson
  • Hilton Beach Community Night, August 3rd cooking deer tales. John Paterson
  • Meet and Greet Fireside Chat with the MNRF, Thursday night (General Meeting), August 8th. Food to be determined but usually potluck and some leftovers from the Wild Game Dinner. John Paterson
  • Youth Ranger Program 3 days in August – dates to be determined.  John Paterson; Wayne Ingram.
  • Jocelyn Community Harvest Fest on the Labour Day weekend, Saturday, August 31, to serve deer tales.  John Paterson


Next comes the Awe day. This will be on Saturday September 14th: men will prepare the meals and serve the women.  Tomahawk throwing, Disc Golf, Bread making, how to make a snare, fire building competition. Sigrid Robinson; Neil Caughill  

The Hunters Safety Course (Gun Course) run by Reg and Jane Perry is usually in October, but the date is yet to be determined.  We could serve a light lunch on the Saturday and Sunday. Jane Perry; Tolbert Stinson

Our Annual Christmas Potluck and Photo Contest will be the first Saturday in December: December 7, 2019.